Open Books

by Chris T-T

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.10  |  Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 6:42 p.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary


Panic Attack At Sainsbury's

Song Author

Chris T-T

Tabbed by

Tom Reed


1st → Vocals
2nd → Guitar 2
3rd → Guitar 1

File Size

13 KB




I'm not lost. I missed an ex-it ten min-utes a-go. But I'm not lost. Can you read the road signs? It's not ea-sy, The road is too nar-row for U-turns, And I'm to clum-sy to make am-ends. Well I rem-em-ber you, And your a-li-en map read-ing ways, And your hands touch-ing me to make me be-have, but I'm al-ways de-layed. It's not ea-sy, the road is too i-cy for driv-ing. And I'm too clum-sy to con-cen-trate and stop the car slid-ing. But I'm too scared to slow it down. But I'm not lost.